This is PART II for the Generation Google Scholarship Blog.
Quick Introduction: Generation Google Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships by Google. Apply here.
The first step to becoming a Generation Google Scholar is to fill out the application form.
Click here to read: Application Phase for Generation Google Scholarship.
After applying, you get a link for Google’s Online Challenge:
Every person who applied, was invited to give the challenge last year. Selections for the next step were made only after this challenge.
Note: This was the pattern for the year 2021, and the pattern can change every year. So, please consider this only for taking an idea of the process.
Pattern for the Challenge
It was a proctored test in MCQ format comprising of 2 Mini Challenges:
- General Cognitive Ability (GCA)
- Role Related Knowledge (RRK)
The total duration of the challenge was 60 minutes (30 minutes for each section) with no negative marking.
The exact information & sections for the Mini Challenges go as follows:
Registration & Passkey
A unique Challenge ID, the Challenge Name and a passkey are required for registration and accessing the challenge.
A day before the challenge, a passkey with all the necessary information, FAQs and some a list of practice sample questions is mailed to everyone.
One of the FAQs provided by google itself says:
Mini Challenge #1 — General Cognitive Ability (GCA)
This is basically Aptitude Round.
You can practice common pattern of aptitude questions and puzzles available online.
Mini Challenge #2 — Role Related Knowledge (RRK)
Language in 2021: C and C++
This section comprises of programming questions. The questions were quite straightforward and the level lied between easy to medium. If you have revised all your basics, then you can solve the paper easily.
Some preparation tips for this challenge -
- Practice code debugging
- Try Output Questions
- Focus on Time Complexity problems
- Revise OOPS, OS and DBMS
- Few important topics are:
- Pointers
- Row major and column major
- Types of graphs
I would recommend you to please go through even the few sample questions given to you very well. These questions might not act as a complete preparation guide (because they’re very limited usually) but it gives you an idea and most importantly the confidence to attempt questions like these.
Through these questions only I figured out that pointers were an important topic and it actually proved to be one.
Note: The pattern of the challenge & other elements like switching between sections, negative marking, order of attempting sections, auto submission after completion, duration of the challenge and number of sections are ‘Test Specific’!
Read test instructions properly to make sure you don’t miss any detail!
For more insights, follow this amazing blog by a fellow scholar, Ankita Saloni. Follow her for more blogs like this.
After you complete the challenge, you’ll receive a mail from google confirming that:
I hope this gives you an idea about Google’s Online Challenge for Generation Google. In the meantime, you can refer to this YouTube Livestream for the overall timeline.
If you need any help, please feel free to ping me. I’d love to help you.
Link to the Generation Google Scholarship Blog: Click here.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.
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